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Gay marriage persuasive essay

Gay marriage persuasive essay

gay marriage persuasive essay

Gay Marriage Essay Evil Stereotypes Of Gay Marriage And Gay Rights. That night, my best friend confessed he was gay and his revelation was The Supreme Court Ruling On Gay Marriages. Its time for me to share my opinion and perspective regarding the Supreme Gay Marriage Should Be Legal Essay Thesis Statement For Gay Marriage Essay. Words | 4 Pages. Marriage has been a part of life since before the medieval times. For two individuals who adore each other and arrangement on spending whatever remains of their lives together, the usual impulse is to make it legitimate and get hitched Persuasive Essay on Same Sex Marriage. There has been a lot of conflict concerning the topic of same sex marriage. Most states have ruled it unconstitutional, and some have disagreed. But what really is the solution to this problem? Show people

Gay marriage persuasive Essay Example For FREE �� - New York Essays

The debate between whether gay marriage should be legalized or not has been a controversial topic recently. In the past twelve years, equal marriage rights have been legalized in 6 states of the U. Eighteen states do not allow gay marriage and do not recognize civil unions. The other twenty six states allow civil unions, and some are debating legalizing gay marriage. Gay marriage should be legal across the United States. Not allowing gay marriage in any state is unconstitutional. If one state is to allow gay marriage, then gay marriage persuasive essay people that get married in that state are supposed to be legally married in all other states of the United States Hertz.

The constitution states, in article 5, that anything that a person performs in one state legally cannot be prosecuted if that person were to move to another state where it is not legal. Meaning that all of the gay marriages that take place in states where it is legal, are supposed to be legal everywhere else in the United States. Many of the arguments against gay marriage are religious, and religion and state are supposed to be separated in the United States Waldman. The United States is supposed to be run based off gay marriage persuasive essay human rights and what gay marriage persuasive essay for the government.

Many government officials try to run the government based on their religious beliefs, when the officials religious belief should not be taken into consideration on gay marriage persuasive essay judgement of gay marriage. The federal Defence of Marriage law was even deemed unconstitutional by one of the judges of the supreme court, Joseph L. Tauro Michael. The government should be able to follow the rules that had been set hundreds of years ago. It is not acceptable for the government to go against its own words, gay marriage persuasive essay allow people to marry due to their religious beliefs when the constitution clearly states that religion and state are supposed to be separated. Not allowing gay marriage is also discrimination against all of the gay people in the United States, gay marriage persuasive essay.

Not allowing gay marriage prevents gay people from gaining government protections that married people gain. It is denying them to file joint income taxes, which makes life much easier for couples that are living together. They are also not allowed to make medical decisions for their spouses if he or she becomes incapacitated and unable to make wishes for treatment Wolfson. This is not fair to gay couples because they cannot do many of the things that a straight couple can do. For example, government protections provided by marriage apply to straight couples, but do not for gay couples. His husband, Australian citizen Anthony John Makk, has only three days to legally live in the United States.

Citizenship and Immigration Services would bend over backward to keep the couple together. Gay marriages in the United States should be treated the same as straight marriages. If a straight person marries someone that is not a United States citizen, that person becomes a citizen just by the marriage. It should work the same for a gay marriage, this is discriminating against gay people by not giving them the same rights that straight people receive when married. Arguments against gay marriage are often contradicting or incorrect.

When the truth is, there are only a few instances in the bible that state homosexuality as wrong, while there are many more that state women are of lesser value than men. Using the bible as a resource for an argument against gay marriage is not the best because of its contradictions. Some people may even say that legalizing gay marriage would eventually lead to legalizing incest, bestial, and polygamous marriages, gay marriage persuasive essay. This argument is possibly one of the worst because there is nothing that can prove it, gay marriage persuasive essay. There is more evidence against gay marriage causing the legalization of these other types of marriage. Out of all of the countries that have legalized gay marriage, none of them have come anywhere close to legalizing incest, beastial, or polygamous marriages.

federal law. Yet it is easily the weakest. Who says who marriage is to be defined by? The married? The marriable? And such simple, nebulous declarations are hardly a compelling reason. The concept of not denying people their rights unless you can show a compelling reason to do so is the very basis of the American ideal of human rights. Marriage is for procreation. I, for one, would love to be there when the proponent of such an argument is to explain to his post-menopausal mother or impotent father that since they cannot procreate, gay marriage persuasive essay, they must now surrender their wedding rings! That would be fun to watch! Again, such an argument fails to persuade based on the marriages society does allow routinely, without even a second thought.

Check it out: murderers, convicted felons of all sorts, gay marriage persuasive essay, even known child molesters are all allowed to freely marry and procreate, and do so every day, with hardly a second thought by these same critics. So if children are truly the priority here, why is this allowed? Why are the advocates of this argument not working to prohibit the above categories of people from raising children? The fact is that many gay couples raise children, adopted and occasionally their own from failed attempts at heterosexual marriages. Lots and lots of scientific studies have shown that the outcomes of the children raised in the homes of gay and lesbian couples are just as good as those of straight couples.

The differences have been shown again and again to be insignificant. Psychologists tell us that what makes the difference is the love of the parents, gay marriage persuasive essay, not their gender. The studies are very clear about that. And gay people are as capable of loving children as fully as anyone else. Gay relationships are immoral and violate the sacred institution of marriage. Says who? The Bible? Somehow, I always thought that freedom of religion implied the right to freedom from religion as well.

Not all world religions have a problem with homosexuality; many sects of Buddhism, for example, gay marriage persuasive essay, celebrate gay relationships freely and would like to have the authority to make them legal marriages. In that sense, their religious freedom is being infringed, gay marriage persuasive essay. There are plenty more of arguments just like these, and a majority of them do not have a proper backup. Many of these arguments also gay marriage persuasive essay to do with religion, which are not supposed to have anything to do with the government anyway. What these incorrect arguments have to prove is that there is no real reason that gay marriage should not be legal, gay marriage persuasive essay. Why people do not want gay marriage to be legal in the United States is a mystery, because these arguments do not have enough support to be logical or even make sense.

Gay marriage should be legalized all across the United States, because there is no good reason to deny people rights just because of their sexual orientation. My call to action is for people to just be more open minded and to realize gay people are people too, and that they should be granted all of the same rights that straight people are given. Free Essays Topics Essay Checker Hire Writer Login. Free essay samples Gay Marriage Gay marriage persuasive. Gay marriage persuasive 8 August Hire verified writer. Gay marriage persuasive Essay Example. Related Essays. Gay marriage persuasive essay Gay Marriage Persuasive Speech Persuasive Outlines for Gay Marriage Persuasive Outlines for Gay Marriage Gay Marriage Essay Research Paper Marriage Who Persuasive Persuasive Persuasive Persuasive Com Persuasive Persuasive memo.

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gay marriage persuasive essay

Gay Marriage Persuasive Essay. Satisfactory Essays. Words. 4 Pages. Feb 15th, Published. Topics: Marriage, Law, Family, Homosexuality. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. The nation in which we live and which we protect was built centuries ago on one main premise: freedom Gay Marriage Persuasive Research Paper Outline. Joey Cho Mrs. Middleton English 10 17 October Persuasive Research Essay Outline Introduction LGBT/ same-sex marriage is one of the most heated and controversial debates in our current society. Unlike the past thousands of years whereas marriage was defined as a legal union between a man and a Gay Marriage Essay Evil Stereotypes Of Gay Marriage And Gay Rights. That night, my best friend confessed he was gay and his revelation was The Supreme Court Ruling On Gay Marriages. Its time for me to share my opinion and perspective regarding the Supreme Gay Marriage Should Be Legal Essay

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