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Cultural competence essay

Cultural competence essay

cultural competence essay

Jul 10,  · Cultural competence is the interaction of different individuals of different cultures, social and economic backgrounds, in business organizations, government agencies, non-profit organizations and human resource departments. It incorporates four essential and fundamental concepts: consciousness of perception on culture, differences attitude regarding culture, Essays on Cultural Competence. Need for Culturally Competent & Emotionally Intelligent People in Public Health Leadership in the USA. words 5 pages. The Relationship Between Cultural Competence and Emotional Intelligence Technological advancements of the 21st century have eliminated the boundaries that previously segregated communities Jul 17,  · Cultural competence is the awareness of what a given culture entails and the practice of appropriate actions in a given cultural group. People are considered culturally competent when they can engage in behavior that does not contradict the behavioral inclinations that are proposed by their cultures

Free Cultural competence Essay Examples and Topic Ideas on GraduateWay

Cultural Competence in Organizations Cultural competence is the interaction of different individuals of different cultures, social and economic backgrounds, in business organizations, cultural competence essay, government agencies, non-profit organizations and human resource departments. It incorporates four essential and fundamental concepts: consciousness of perception on culture, differences attitude regarding culture, cultural competence essay, information on cultural practices and perception and skills regarding cross-culture, cultural competence essay. Cultural competence is the interaction of different individuals of different cultures, social and economic backgrounds, cultural competence essay, in business organizations, government agencies, non-profit organizations and human resource departments.

The development of cultural competence can assist in ensuring that people of different culture can effectively interact, understand and communicate with one another. Background In order to understand the concept of cultural competence, it is essential cultural competence essay understand the word culture. References: Fernandez, J. Managing a Diverse Workforce. Massachusetts: D. Heath and Company. Cultural Competence Culturally competent care Cultural competence and the Old age homes The basic knowledge in nursing or medical studies in itself is not enough. As Watson puts it, there is need to instill the humanistic aspect into the career or the profession.

Watson believes that the nurse must establish a caring relationship with patients, display unconditional acceptance of the patient with whatever condition they are in, treat patients as holistic beings, treat patients with a positive regard, cultural competence essay, promote health through knowledge and intervention treat patients with a positive regard as well as spend cultural competence essay time with patients she calls "caring moments" Vanguard Health Systems, In order to effectively achieve and implement the ideas in Watson's theory on culturally competent care, it cultural competence essay important to critically look at the cultural diversity especially among the aging American population.

The cultural diversity among the old is considered to be one of…. References American Speech-language Hearing Association ASHA Culture Change in Nursing Homes: Pioneer Network Food and Dining Clinical Standards Task Force Summary. The Purnell Model for Cultural Competence. The Journal of Multicultural Nursing and Health, cultural competence essay, summer. Cultural competence essay Competence Health Practioner Assessment for Nurses In this situation, the nurse must be very kind, gentle, and firm in emphasizing to the parents that urinating on a newborn baby is fairly harmful to the health and the life of the infant.

In attempting to convey these sentiments, the nurse must essentially assume the cultural competence essay of a teacher. Firstly, he or she should explain that he or she realizes that in the native culture of the parents, such a practice is normal and probably a good tradition. However, the nurse must carefully explain that there are a number of noxious conditions that urine and such unclean bacteria can transmit. The nurse should also cultural competence essay that newborn infants are particularly susceptible to diseases, infections, and other forms of maladies -- especially during their first several hours of life. Urinating on a newborn actually worsens, not increases, its chances cultural competence essay a healthy….

There are also some generalizations that do not include all, but some, Puerto ican culture: conversations are usually very interactive and full of interruptions. Interruptions mean interest in the subject discussed; silence denotes disinterest rather than paying close attention. If someone is talking to cultural competence essay else and a third person joins in, the people talking are expected to stop what they are saying and acknowledge the newcomer. Also, it is rude for a man to dance too close to a woman who is not his wife or girlfriend, even if others seem to be doing it. It is considered vulgar and ostentatious to open gifts in public.

Gifts are never opened in front of a group of people to avoid people comparing the merits of different gifts. One of the main areas of differences between cultures is in nonverbal communication. If people are not aware of these differences, there can…. References Brislin, cultural competence essay, R. Intercultural interactions: A practical guide. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, Galanti, Geri-Ann. The Challenge of Serving and Working with Diverse Populations in American Hospitals. Responding to the mental health needs of Latino children and families through school-based services. Clinical Psychology Review, 19, Lum, Doman Ed. Culturally Competent Practice: A Framework for Understanding Diverse Groups and Justice Issues.

Cultural Competence Nursing, like any of the fields within the medical professions, requires a wide-ranging set of skills. Some cultural competence essay these can be seen as purely technical, such as knowing how to triage a patient coming into an emergency department or how to ensure that anti-infection and anti-contagion processes are being followed. In addition to these skills, nurses must also be able to connect to their patients on a personal level, helping to alleviate the stress and fear that so often accompany medical procedures. Part of this latter set of skills requires nurses to be culturally competent, a phrase that is relatively new to the profession although nurses have been aware of the importance of this perspective on an informal level for generations.

The fact that it now has a name, however, is an indicator that cultural competence is now increasingly important to the profession. I would like to begin…. References Bridging the Health Care Gap through Cultural Competency Continuing Education Programs. org Diversity in Practice: Becoming Culturally Competent. pdf University of Michigan Program For Multicultural Health. Cultural Competence and Ethics Community Research and Intervention Methods Before Referencing Research methods, definitions of community, and informed consent processes are all marked by complexities cultural competence essay knowledge, cultural competence essay, changing conditions and other factors, that present challenges to the field of community interventions and research approaches.

Please discuss several of these complexities and offer a reflection on the strengths or weaknesses of various ways to deal with them. According to Meredith Minkler, Nina allerstein, and Budd Hall's text entitled Community-Based Participatory Research for Health, research initiatives designed to promote community health must cultural competence essay into consideration cultural competence essay unique needs of the population the study is designed to address, cultural competence essay. Attempting to eradicate AIDS in a population of IV drug users may require different forms of preventative care than a gay population, for example, cultural competence essay. Ethnic groups may put up cultural barriers to talking about sexually transmitted diseases and sexuality in general that researchers may….

Works Cited Beauchamp, T. And Childress, J. Principles of Biomedical Ethics, Oxford University Press. Minkler, M. Community-Based Participatory Research for Health. Josey-Bass, San Francisco, CA. Instead, the doctor or nurse must obey the same ethical principle in all cases, cultural competence essay. They must uphold their moral duty to save the lives of all of their patients, and dispense the highest quality care they can conceivably give under the circumstances, cultural competence essay. However, while the Kantian ethics of duty might be useful when making individual moral decisions for healthcare practitioners, the idea of utilitarianism popularized by John Stuart Mill and Jeremy entham sometimes must prevail in the system as a whole, given that health care is dispensed in a world of finite, cultural competence essay, scarce resources Mautner, Utilitarianism stresses the utility, or usefulness of every moral action for society, not simply the individual patient.

For example, although it might be optimal for the individual to receive all the possible screening tests for every conceivable medical ailment, health care insurance companies will only pay for screenings deemed to be of a great…. Bibliography Beauchamp, T. And Childress. Principles of Biomedical Ethics. Oxford University Press, cultural competence essay, Mautner, Thomas. htm Minkler, M. Community-Based Participatory Research for Health Josey-Bass, San Francisco, CA The web page on the website Health esources and Services Administration has its own guidelines for cultural competency on behalf of health care providers.

The domain that deals specifically with the patient population at Hospice House are People with Disabilities. Those with dementia make up just such a population at the Hospice House Hrsa. This treatment of the population with its special needs would help the staff deal with the increase in the number of unusual occurrence reports that have centered on difficult combative behavior by patients who have been recently admitted to Hospice House. Obviously, something has changed in the population regarding their special needs. In this case, special emphasis will be need to be placed upon servicing the changing needs of this population in order to deal with the spike in incidents of combative behavior between the staff and the patients.

In such a case,…. References Hrsa. Culture, Language and Health Literacy. Last accessed 25 Mar. Purnell, L. Journal of Transcultural Nursing. In fact every person who is working in a multicultural environment must know the value of cultural competence because it helps in facilitating communication and improves effectiveness. For example in an educational setting, a teacher who doesn't understand the culture of his students may find it difficult to connect with them and hence his effectiveness might decline. With a cultural competent teacher, students "feel accepted, engaged and safe…they become interested in class community and more responsive to….

References M. Diane Klein and Deborah Chen Working with Children from Culturally Diverse. Delmar Cengage Learning; 1 edition November 7, Marianne R. Teaching cultural competence in nursing and health care Springer Publishing Company; 1 edition June 19, Dana Haight Cattani. A Classroom of Her Own: How New Teachers Develop Instructional, Professional, and Cultural Competence. Corwin Press; 1 edition June 15, Lynch EW, Hanson MJ Developing Cross-Cultural Competence -- A Guide for Working with Young Children and Their Families. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company.

Bibliography Foley, R. And Wurmser, T. Nursing Administration Quarterly, Vol. Cultural Cultural competence essay in Cultural competence essay American Medical Student Association, cultural competence essay.

Developing Intercultural Competence - Part I

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Cultural Competence Essay Samples | Get Access To Cultural Competence College Essay Examples

cultural competence essay

Jul 17,  · Cultural competence is the awareness of what a given culture entails and the practice of appropriate actions in a given cultural group. People are considered culturally competent when they can engage in behavior that does not contradict the behavioral inclinations that are proposed by their cultures What is cultural competence essay? Cultural competence is defined as “integration and transformation of knowledge about individuals and groups of people into specific standards, policies, practice and attitudes used in appropriate cultural settings to increase qualities of services, thereby producing bet Jun 09,  · writers online. Culture is a system of values of truth, the attitudes, habits, beliefs, norms, behaviors, customs, rituals, styles, artifacts, standards, and goals that people agree with in the process of interaction and creative activities. It is preserved and transformed for subsequent generations. The role of cultural competence is the basis of socialization of

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